In addition to the traditional architectural delivery model, we also offer a diverse range of historic architectural consulting services. 

We have successfully assisted our clients in obtaining historic preservation tax credits through evaluating prospective projects, carefully designing proposed construction focusing on National Park Service design standards, while guiding projects through the National Register Nomination Part I, II, and III submittals. Preserving our history through architecture is an important role of an architect.  Re-purposing and reviving these buildings often serve as a catalyst for urban renewal and brings excitement back to once forgotten about pieces of our history.  Today, we work in preservation and restoration, and consulting for all building types from churches and art galleries to mills and historic landmarks.

Historic Consulting Services

  • Feasibility Studies & Reports

  • National Park Service I, II, III Coordination

  • National Registration Application

  • Historic Eligibility Evaluation

  • Renovation/Adaptive-Reuse

  • Preservation

  • Existing Building Assessment & Evaluation

  • Exterior Façade Consultation

  • SHPO/NPS Material Selection

  • Construction Methodology

  • Preservation Consultation

  • Historic Structure Reports


St. Peter’s Altar Ceiling Plaster & Artist Painting

Hampton Preston Mansion

701 Whaley Phase II

Our Lady of Perpetual Help


Lake City Artfields Offices

St. John’s Sanctuary Door Restoration

1620 Main Street – Agape Corporate

Piggy Back BBQ + Catfish


Thai Restaurant

Whaley Market

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church